Saturday, January 31, 2009

MF Student Leaders' Board

The Student Leaders Board (SLB) of Mayflower Secondary School was restructured in the year 2009 as a result of the merger of the prior student bodies consisting of the Student Council, the Peer Leaders Board, and the CCA Leaders Board. The rationale for the new structure was to empower the student leaders in transmitting school values as well as to forge a common identity among the leaders.

The SLB will serve to engage students in learning about responsible decision-making and encouraging ideas and creativity and role modelling leadership attributes through involvement in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.

The SLB consists of 8 departments:
(Leadership Wing)
Aesthetics Department
Partners Department
Publicity Department
Student Wellness Department

(Service Wing)
Student Management Department
Resource Management Department
Mediatech Department
Health and Fitness Department

The Executive Committee of the SLB consists of a 20-member team including the Heads and Vice-Heads of each department as well as a General Secretary/Treasurer, Vice-President (Service Wing), Vice-President (Leadership Wing) and a President.